Low Cost Myoelectric Prosthetic Arm

Completed for my undergraduate University thesis in 2014 I designed and built a 3D printed myoelectric prosthetic arm. I discuss this project in depth on my YouTube channel and also provide a more recent update in my blog.

My thesis and the STL files for 3D printing are available for free download below, the CAD files are available for purchase below also.

Tendon Driven Hand

Thesis Download

Free - PDF Download

My complete final year engineering thesis. I highly encourage you to read through this if you are interested in learning more about my design approach. It contains information on other prosthetic arms (literature review), design and manufacturing, testing and evaluation of my design.

At the end you will also find an appendix with some basic information related to the assembly of my design. This may be useful for anyone planning to print and assemble the design themselves.

CAD & 3D Printing Files


Access STL files for 3D printing as well as SolidWorks and STEP CAD files of the model which you may use to make modifications.

Make a donation


100% of every donation goes back into the development of my current and future projects including a new more advanced prosthetic arm. Funding is spent on things like parts (motors, electronics, 3D prints) and equipment (soldering, tools etc).

You may follow the progress of this on the YouTube channel. Thank you greatly for any generosity!


Final Model

Printed Parts



Compact Bionic Hand